# Manual Update

When new parts arrive or for any need to update to the inventory for other reasons( , it's essential to update the system to reflect the current stock levels. Here's the step-by-step process:

  1. Locate the Part: Navigate to the "Parts/Inventory" section of the CMMS and locate the part that you have received in the parts list.
  2. Access Part Details: Click on the respective row of the part you wish to update. This action will open the "Edit Part" form, which allows you to modify the part's details.
  3. Update Part Information: In the "Edit Part" form, you can make various updates, including:
    • Quantity: This is a critical field. Adjust the quantity to include the number of parts you've just received, ensuring the total reflects the current stock level.
    • Minimum Quantity: If the minimum stock level for this part has changed, update this field to indicate the new threshold for reordering.
    • Location Name: If the part's storage location has changed, update the name to reflect its new position.
    • Description: Modify the part's description if there are additional details to add or changes to the existing information.
    • Barcode: If applicable, update the barcode information for easier tracking and management.
    • Contact Information: Add or edit supplier or manufacturer contact details as necessary.
  4. Save Changes: After making the necessary changes, especially to the quantity field, click "Save" to apply the modifications. This will update the part's record in the CMMS, ensuring that the inventory levels are accurate and up-to-date.