# Stop timer and mark as complete

In the workflow of managing a work order within Atlas CMMS, an essential step before finalizing the order is to stop the timer and mark the task as complete. This step is crucial for several reasons:

  • Accurate Time Tracking: Stopping the timer ensures that the time recorded is precise and reflects the actual time spent on the maintenance task. This accuracy is vital for labor cost calculations and efficiency assessments.
  • Resource Management: By marking a task as complete, you free up resources, allowing maintenance personnel to move on to other tasks without delay. This helps in optimizing the workflow and increasing productivity.
  • Data Integrity: Completing this step accurately ensures that the data entered into the CMMS is reliable and up-to-date, which is crucial for reporting and analytics.

Process for Stopping the Timer and Marking as Complete

To effectively stop the timer and mark a work order as complete in Atlas CMMS, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Active Work Order: Access the work order that is currently in progress.

  • Stop the Timer: Locate the timer function within the work order interface displayed as a running timer counter indicating the time spent on the current task. Click the “Timer Running” button to halt the timer at the current time.
  • Review the Recorded Time: Quickly review the time recorded to ensure it matches the actual time spent. Adjustments should be made if there were any discrepancies or if the timer was not stopped at the right moment. See “Add Timer” in case of need for Timer adjustement.
  • Final Checks: Ensure that all necessary documentation, such as completed task lists, used parts, and any customer or internal feedback, have been properly recorded in the CMMS. This step is crucial for maintaining comprehensive records of maintenance activities.

By meticulously following these steps, you ensure that the work order is accurately concluded, reflecting the real-time spent and tasks completed. This practice not only enhances the reliability of the CMMS data but also supports effective maintenance management and operational efficiency.

After stopping the timer and marking the work order as complete, the technician proceeds to the final step of providing feedback and closing out the work order, as described in the next section, "Work Order Completion and Feedback."