# Viewing Work Requests

# Work Requests List View

Upon clicking the "Requests" menu item, you will be presented with the Work Requests list view, as shown in the image. The Work Requests list view displays a table with the following columns:

  • TITLE: This column shows the title or brief description of the Work Request.
  • DESCRIPTION: This column provides a more detailed description of the maintenance issue or request.
  • PRIORITY: This column indicates the priority level assigned to the Work Request (e.g., Low, Medium, High).
  • STATUS: This column displays the current status of the Work Request (e.g., Pending, Approved, Rejected).
  • DATE CREATED: This column shows the date and time when the Work Request was created in the system.

Each row in the table represents an individual Work Request, providing you with a quick overview of the request details, priority, status, and creation date.

# Filtering Work Requests

Above the Work Requests table, you will find three filter buttons: ”Priorities” and Work Request Status :"Pending," "Approved," and "Rejected." These filters allow you to quickly narrow down the list of Work Requests based on their current status.

  1. Click on the "Pending" button to display only Work Requests that are currently awaiting review or approval.
  2. Click on the "Approved" button to show only Work Requests that have been approved and had already a related work order.
  3. Click on the "Rejected" button to view Work Requests that have been rejected or declined for further action.

By using these filters, you can quickly focus on the Work Requests that are most relevant to your current workflow or responsibilities.

# Searching and Sorting Work Requests

In addition to the status filters, the Work Requests list view provides a search bar at the top-right corner. You can use this search bar to quickly find specific Work Requests by entering keywords or phrases related to the request title, description, or other relevant details.